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Dear Animal Advocates,
As you may know, Congress is currently trying to pass a federal budget for fiscal year 2011. Unbelievably, although the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wild Horse and Burro Program is widely known to be broken and unsustainable, the House of Representatives has approved increasing its funding.
The BLM plans to use this funding to remove another 10,000 wild horses from public lands next year. If this happens, the population of mustangs warehoused for life in government holding facilities would swell to 45,000—to the tune of $50 million in taxpayer money. Meanwhile, privately owned herds of cattle are allowed to graze on the same land that was “overcrowded” with wild horses.
We do have a chance to stop this: the Senate is still debating the 2011 federal spending bill, but the deadline to make changes and pass it is midnight on Saturday, December 18.
Now is the time for the Senate to hear, loudly and clearly, that Americans are tired of wasteful spending on mismanaged, inhumane government programs such as the Wild Horse and Burro Program.
What You Can Do Please act fast—send an email to your two U.S. senators urging them to vote NO on any version of a fiscal year 2011 spending bill that allots money for the removal of wild horses from our public lands.
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center now to send your email.
Thank you for taking action for America’s wild horses, who, without your help, could soon become extinct.
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