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sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

One Million Animals Are Now Living Better Lives

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Your Dollars at Work in 2010

How You Helped

2010 has been a banner year for saving animals’ lives, and we couldn’t have done it without your generosity. Thanks to supporters like you, the ASPCA brought relief to more than 1 million animals nationwide this year. Each contribution to the ASPCA means aid for homeless, neglected and abused animals all over the United States, and this year your dollars were hard at work.

With your support, we awarded more than 500 grants to animal welfare organizations across the country, assisted more than 3,500 animals affected by natural and man-made disasters, and spayed or neutered nearly 500,000 pets. For more, read our complete overview of how your dollars made a difference in animals’ lives in 2010. Thank you for supporting the ASPCA and the nation’s animals!

Learn More

Other Ways to Give

Your support is an essential part of everything we do here at the ASPCA. Here are a few ways to give back to animals this holiday season…and beyond.

Gift Membership

A thoughtful gesture for the animal lover in your life, an ASPCA gift membership means markedly improved lives for thousands of furry friends.

Memorial Gift

The holidays are a meaningful time to remember a beloved person or pet who has passed away. Provide for animals in need with a memorial gift in a loved one’s name.


Join Team ASPCA, our national endurance training and fundraising program, to participate in world-renowned marathons and raise awareness of our cause.

ASPCA Guardians

Our Guardians are true angels. They commit to giving monthly contributions, and provide us with a consistent, reliable resource for our life-saving programs.


Always remember to Make Pet Adoption Your First Option®!
ASPCA | 424 E. 92nd St | New York, NY | 10128
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