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segunda-feira, 29 de novembro de 2010

Fwd: Oceana - Protect Tuna and Sharks – Before it is Too Late

english mobile

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tatiana Marshall, Oceana <>
Date: 2010/11/29
Subject: Oceana - Protect Tuna and Sharks – Before it is Too Late
To: Anne Brito <>

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Dear Anne,

Oceana Fights for Bluefin Tuna and Sharks at ICCATOceana Fights for Bluefin Tuna and Sharks at ICCAT

The demand for sharks and bluefin tuna is driving populations towards extinction. Without immediate and proper international management, we will empty the oceans of these top predators and vastly change the oceans as we know them today. We need to protect tuna and shark now before it's too late.

Take action now to protect tuna and sharks »

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Victory! Chile Lowers Jack Mackerel OverfishingVictory! Chile Lowers Jack Mackerel Overfishing

Great news! This win against overfishing comes after Oceana sent the Chilean Minister of Economy a report analyzing the annual quota set for jack mackerel during the past 10 years. The study shows that between 2003 and 2010, the National Fisheries Council set the annual quota for jack mackerel at higher catch limits than was recommended by the Institute for Fisheries Development. As a result, the Minister of Economy went to a session of the National Fisheries Council to express his frustration, and in an unprecedented event, asked them to set smaller quotas for next year.

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