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quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Animals win in Missouri and Arizona!

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Animals win big in Missouri and Arizona! Read my blog for latest news.
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Humane Action
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Nov. 3, 2010
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Big wins for animals!

Dear Anne,

We have declared victory in Missouri on Prop B! We have prevailed with a 60,000 vote margin. What a night for the dogs! Missouri is the number one puppy mill state in America. We now have a pathway to turn this terrible situation around.

We also won in Arizona -- defeating Prop 109. We protected the right of Arizona citizens to make wildlife policy through the initiative process, and we turned back this terrible power grab by the NRA and their politician allies.

Unfortunately, North Dakota voters rejected Measure 2, an effort led by hunters in the state to ban canned hunts of tame deer and elk trapped behind fences. Read my blog for the latest updates.

Thank you everyone for your support in Missouri and Arizona. This was an incredible victory.

Wayne Pacelle

Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO

P.S. Monday marked the start of another chance to vote to help animals. We're competing in the Pepsi Refresh Project to help animals who are victims of extreme cruelty. You can vote twice a day, every day, until Nov. 30 to help us win $250,000 to use in rescuing animals.

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Paid for by The Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle, President,
2100 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.

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