Click here to view this message in your web browser. Emergency Animal Rescue Fund Tapped! Please Help Today! Summer 2010 – The Season of Animal Rescues It began with monkeys … then dogs … who will IDA rescue next? Dear Anne, IDA’s summer of animal rescues continues nonstop … video from our latest dramatic rescue below! Last month, we raced to New York and New Jersey, where we led the battle to stop the USDA slaughter of Canada geese. Then, after working for weeks to clear red tape, we rescued 55 macaque monkeys from a toxicology lab. Thanks to you and IDA’s Animal Rescue Team, those monkeys are all now safe in sanctuaries. IDA also helped facilitate the release and relocation of 133 beagles from this same lab. As soon as we left the monkeys at their new homes in Oklahoma and Texas, we went to IDA’s Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi, where we were asked by authorities in 2 counties to help rescue dogs in 3 very dire situations. Let me tell you a bit about them. If you agree that we should continue such lifesaving rescues, please help replenish our nearly depleted Animal Rescue Fund. In Charleston Mississippi, I went with the director of our Hope Animal Sanctuary, Doll Stanley, to assist an Animal Control Officer (ACO) responding to a report of a dog who died in a small, filthy outdoor wire crate. Another dog was living in the same cage, and two others were on chains with only a small bowl of maggot-infested food. IDA helped seize the neglected dogs, who were taken into protective custody. Then we headed straight to a second report of cruelty, at the residence of a suspected dogfighter in Charleston. Several critically emaciated dogs with scars, and some with fresh wounds, mostly pit bulls, were discovered chained. The dogs were on chains so tight they needed to be cut off their necks, and they were so starved and dehydrated they could barely stand. The dogs were terrified while on chains, defending that tight worn 6 foot diameter circle. Once the chains were cut, they relaxed, curled up and accepted help, immediately forgiving the abuse they had suffered! All were confiscated. However the neglect was so extreme, that even with immediate veterinary care, including IV fluids, two of the dogs died overnight, and one, who we named Mona Lisa, is clinging to life. Click here to see a video of Mona Lisa’s story. On the same day, the IDA team responded to pleas for help from the Mississippi city of Winona, for a shelter full of dogs who had little hope of adoption and were in need of medical treatment. We helped relieve overcrowding at the shelter by taking for veterinary care the dogs who were suffering from mange – a mother and pups born in the shelter. After the dogs receive veterinary care, IDA will place the dogs with partner shelters until they are adopted into permanent loving homes. IDA is committed to working with municipal and county agencies without the resources to address animal cruelty, but with the dedication to do so. Our Hope Animal Sanctuary, as always, stands ready to assist law enforcement in Mississippi and throughout the South whenever and wherever we can be of help to animals and overburdened public employees. From the earthquake in Haiti to a research lab in New Jersey to dogfighters in Mississippi, IDA’s Animal Rescue Team is ready to act on behalf of animals. We are able to help these animals because you believe their lives have value. You have given us the resources to respond, but now our Emergency Animal Rescue Fund is almost depleted. So I’m asking for your help today to build our Animal Rescue Fund, so we can be prepared for the next rescue. Lifesaving rescues such as these can be sudden and costly. Just the transport of the monkeys carried over a $25,000 price tag. So our urgent need is for your support today to replenish our Animal Rescue Fund so we can react just as quickly to rescue more animals like these from barren lives in dogfighting rings, merciless laboratories, puppy mills, zoos, circuses, and in the wake of devastating natural disasters. With your generosity and our determination I believe that we can free an unprecedented number of animals from misery and exploitation. Please, be as generous as you are able. With your support, we can embark on so many more life-saving journeys through our Animal Rescue Fund. Respectfully, Scotlund Haisley President, In Defense of Animals
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