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domingo, 21 de março de 2010

Seal pups are already dying -- please pledge to boycott Canadian seafood to save them

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Seal pups are already dying -- please pledge to boycott Canadian seafood to save them:

March 16, 2010

Dear Anne,

The government of Canada has confirmed my worst fears. Warned by scientists that an environmental catastrophe may wipe out untold numbers of baby harp seals, Canada has recklessly given sealers the go-ahead to slaughter even more harp seal pups -- 330,000 this year.

Government scientists confirm this year's sea ice formation is at a record low -- and we are expecting mass seal pup deaths as a result.

Right now, the seal nursery is unrecognizable. Instead of solid ice and hundreds of thousands of seal pups, in many areas there is nothing but open ocean and only a few dozen pups, clinging to tiny, melting pans of ice.

A responsible government would cancel the commercial seal hunt, but the Canadian government instead seems determined to wipe out harp seals.

Canada's commercial seal hunt -- the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet -- is already unacceptably cruel. To unleash the hunt on a seal population that has already been devastated by natural disaster is beyond the pale.

That's why it's more important than ever that you sign the pledge to boycott Canadian seafood:

Why boycott Canadian seafood? Because it's working. A small group of commercial fishermen in Eastern Canada kill seal pups for their fur, and they earn only a tiny fraction of their annual income from the slaughter. The ProtectSeals seafood boycott is giving them a clear economic incentive to stop the slaughter.

Will you take the pledge? Remember, Canada's sealers won't stop the killing just because it's the humane thing

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