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Humane Society of the United States <humanesociety@hsus.org> Date: 2009/12/17
Subject: Animals are talking about this video
sweetygirl2002@uol.com.br  | | December 17, 2009 What You Did for Animals This Year Dear Anne, When you took action on an issue affecting animals this year...or told a friend...or made a donation...you made a difference. How big of a difference? I invite you to watch our 2009 Victories Video and decide for yourself. After you watch, please help save even more animals next year: Make a tax-deductible donation to our 2010 Animal Survivors Fund to support all our vital animal protection programs. (Already donated? Thank you!) The animals count on you every day. Thank you for being there for them. Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO      | |  |  |  | Last Chance Give this ornament by midnight tonight for delivery by Christmas. Give now» | | Chuck Your Clunker Donate your used car, van, truck or other vehicle and pump much-needed dollars into our programs. Drive on» | | IHOP Looks Promising We're pausing our IHOP campaign because the restaurant agreed to test using cage-free eggs. IHOP will update us by March 15, when we hope to end the campaign. More» | Buying a Puppy Behind that cute puppy brought home during the holidays there often lies a world of cruelty. See how you can avoid giving cruelty for Christmas. Take action» | | | |
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